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Business and Service Model

We transform your company and take it to new heights.

  • Technology

    - GIS(Goepatial Information System)
    - DFS (Distributed File Storage)
    - Ai Virtual Human
    - Ai chip
    - Cyber security

  • Trading

    -B2B(G) trading ( Electronics, Electrical goods, Foods, Household goods, Semiconductors, IT solutions)
    - G2B procurement
    - G2G service

  • Consulting

    - Business Execution
    - Government Administration and Operaion
    - App. service

StarDiFY의 제품 개발 및 순서도

고객니즈 품질보증

  1. 고객
  2. 개발
  3. 설계
  4. 고객샘플
  5. 제품제작
  6. 시험 제작 및
    내부 TEST
  7. 양산
  8. 검수 및